Community Programmes

As an organisation our main focus is to support communities via the young people, parents and educators. Our programmes are designed to deal with some of the issues that our most marginalised communities face today. The goal is to provide our young people with vital skills and a mind set that will follow them in to adulthood being better equip for success and being the positive change in their community.  

Kings Club Project
Strong Community - West Bromwich
Strong Community Preparing our children for the future - Aston 2024
Strong Community Preparing our children for the future-6 2024

What The Parents Are Saying?

The session made me think, go away and try to put some of the things we learnt in to practice. All the sessions generally made me think again.
I have a lot going on so the healthy eating on a budget helped me find foods that are affordable, healthy and easy to prepare.
I have challenges with my son that has ADHD to keep him interested and engaged. I like that the sessions weren’t too long as my son can only do thinks in bite sizes.

Our Funders