HELPING PARENTS EQUIP THEIR CHILD FOR A BETTER FUTURE – Teaching Group Economics For Kids | Entrepreneurship and Financial Education
What We Do
My Baobab Learning is a Community Interest Company (CIC) that puts the development and eduction of young people first. We work with schools, parents, government agencies and other stakeholders to support young people.
MBL CIC at the Same Difference Festival 2024!
We were so happy to be apart of this great event this year. The CEP Same Difference Festival 2024 was a huge success!! We had over a thousand participants come through the festival, and all had a great time.
Round & Round Book Series Combo
The Round & Round book series is a great introduction to Group Economics and Entrepreneurism for kids

Round & Round Ebook Series with FREE Lesson Planner
This complete learning combo package contains all 3 Ebooks from the Round & Round book series and a 26 page Group Economics & Entrepreneurism Lesson Planner!!

FREE Workbooks & Recources
Five Minute Pardna
The Fun Community Saving Game!
The Five Minute Parda is a fun, fast-paced game for friends and family. The game simulates how a rotating community saving scheme also known as a Pardna, would work in just a few minutes!
Be the first to get our new greatly anticipated game and learning resource.
Round & Round Book Review
Check out this book review by the lovely Kayla from “Story Time With Kayla”
Say these positive affirmations everyday to help promote confidence, self esteem and a positive growth mindset.
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What is My Baobab Learning?
The name “My Baobab Learning” is derived from the quote “From small seeds grow mighty trees.” The mighty African baobab tree starts life as a small seed as do our children that soon grow to greatness if nurtured.
My Baobab Learning is a Community Interest Company (C.I.C) that puts the development and education of young people first. We work with schools, parents, government agencies, and other stakeholders to support young people.
We provide training, publications, learning resources and mentorship to disenfranchised young people, helping them work together, and building their own businesses that can benefit them self and their communities.