Our Vision
Our vision is that all children and young people regardless of background or social standing have access to essential group economics ,entrepreneurial and a financial literacy education. Our intention is to produce young leaders and entrepreneurs that will be equipped to be the change in their lives and that of their families and communities.
Our Mission
My Baobab Learning C.I.C was created to help teach, inspire and mentor disadvantaged children from all back grounds so they have all the skills and knowledge that will help them mentally and financially in to adult hood. The aim is to help them build there own self esteem, work with one another, build businesses and help re-build their communities. The impact of this work will greatly transform the lives of the children and young people and the lives of the residence of their communities.
Our Products & Services
- We Produce Books and Learning Resources
- School Programmes
- Community Programmes
- After School and Weekend Clubs
- Online Programmes
Our Values
Happiness and well being above all for our children and young people
Success for all children and young people
Positively impact the lives of children, young people and disenfranchised communities
We continuously innovate in what we offer and how we operate
We care about the importance and impact that education provides