The Official Black History Activity Book Launch will be apart of our very own black history event and cultural market. This is our way of giving back to our community, as well as creating more awareness of the books and of our rich history and culture, not only with our contributions towards society and civilisation in history but also with the history we are currently creating in Birmingham and the UK today. The day will be full of education, performances and fun. Be sure to get your free ticket and come and learn about our History and celebrate with us.
Hosted By Smash entertains and Shazzy D
The Guest speak Robin Walker will be doing a presentation on ‘When We Ruled’, which is about the ancient civilisations of Africa. There will also be various performances on the day.
Food, drinks, books, crafts, beauty products, garments and more will be available from the cultural market. Black businesses will also be promoting their services on the day.